Sunday, January 30, 2011


Lately my mind has been swirling with ideas for my art. I have paste papers begging for more color to be applied to them and drawings waiting to be drawn. I have words to write for inspiration and colors to see to satisfy my craving for color 'ad infinitum'. If all I had to work with was color and a stick, I could paint. I guess that narrows down what I need and don't need. However, I do loving having lots of supplies to get just the right effects.

I have had a long love affair with wood. Recently I carved two Jatoba or Brazilian cherry crochet hooks - one for my mother and one for myself. This is a very hard wood - harder than oak and almost as hard as ebony. They have a protective coating of beeswax on them which gives them a lovely lustre and a feel of ultimate sensuousness when working with them. Handmade tools are always the best. I have carved a little elephant for Sam and he carries it around a lot. I've carved a curled up cat once and also a detailed face sculpture. I would enjoy carving more faces in the future. For now, my carving will be limited to a Noah's ark set for Sam. Hopefully I can finish it by next Christmas when he will know what it is.

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